My Latest Purchase: Lauren Conrad’s Beauty Book.

I’ve been on a shopping spree lately! I had some amazon gift vouchers from a relative (it was my birthday recently) and I realized I still had $50 left in unspent vouchers, so I spent a few hours on amazon deciding which things I’d like to buy. 

I decided to spent just $12 so far, and I’ve purchased Lauren Conrad’s Beauty book, (you can see it here). It has great reviews so I’m really looking forward to reading it – I’ve already browsed the ‘look inside’ feature and there’s some great tips in there so I can’t wait to read the whole thing, I’ll keep you updated! 🙂

My initial thoughts on natural breast enhancement and it’s possibilities

There was a time when I was not happy with my boobs, which were small and they felt deflated. I was reluctant to have breast enlargement surgery because of the expense involved and the time it would take for me to recover. I did some research and discovered natural bust enhancement, which promised bigger and better looking boobs but without the pain and expense that comes with surgery. I discovered that diet and exercise was one of the ways that I could enhance my breasts. The aim was to build my pectoral muscles and some of the routines that I did was chest presses and push-ups.

Since my breasts are mainly comprised of fatty tissue, I also decided to gain weight in order to achieve natural bust enhancement – makes sense, right? It’s similar to what this guide teaches too. This helps to fill out my breasts and I slightly increased my calorie intake for a month. I increased my intake of complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and lean proteins but I stayed active in order to avoid becoming obese. I combined my new diet with exercise and the results were somewhat promising. I also eat certain foods in order to boost my breasts and they include hop flower, Mexican wild yam root, fenugreek seed extract, saw palmetto berry and red clover.

To supplement my diet and exercise efforts, I also used a breast enhancement cream, which promised to increase my boobs by one or two cup sizes. The cream is made using natural ingredients and so I did not experience any side effects. The cream smelt nice and it was not sticky when applied. It absorbs quickly and doesn’t stain my clothing. It comes with a guarantee and it promised to provide positive results within the first week. I have been using the cream for a few weeks now and from what I can tell, this cream is pointless. I’ve really not seen any results at all so I wouldn’t recommend it.